Unique Marketing Campaigns

10 Must-Have Marketing Strategies for Success in 2020

It’s hard to believe this year is almost over. While for some, it may be the time to slow down for the approaching holiday season, for us marketers, we never miss a beat on planning and strategizing. For your business to succeed in the new year, NOW is the time to start putting your marketing strategies together so you can start the new year off with a bang!

Here are the top 10 marketing strategies your business should be utilizing in 2020:

  1. Content

We’ve said this before and will continue to say it, content is king! To drive profitable customer action, you must keep them “content!” To prove your expertise to your audience, it’s important to create valuable, relevant, and consistent content targeted to your audience. Writing both interesting and helpful content along with engaging photos and videos will increase your exposure, and ultimately help your business grow.

  1. Chatbots

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Empower Your Employees with Internal Marketing Systems

Understanding the Importance of Internal Marketing

Internal marketing is an essential and commonly overlooked part of effective marketing. The internal aspect refers to the marketing relationship a business has with its employees. While focusing on external marketing is vital for raising brand awareness and creating revenue, internal marketing seeks to meet and provide for the needs of employees.  Marketing to your internal “customers” is an important aspect of promoting effective growth within a company.

Regardless of an employee’s job title, they likely rely upon other employees, teams, as well as the company, for information and support. There are countless benefits to be seen from improving the communication among your workers! The importance of each employee understanding the company’s direction, values, and vision cannot be overstated. This level of connectivity breeds a positive company culture and feelings of inclusion while encouraging your empl

Wake Up Your Sleeping Clients with A Reactivation Campaign

You took the time, effort,and resources to obtain each of your clients. How many of them are currently sitting stagnant in your database? Using a reactivation campaign is a cost-effective way to “wake” your clients up who have been “hitting snooze” on your services or product offerings. When it comes to reactivation campaigns, it’s important…

Do Results = Happiness? OR Does Happiness = Results?

Every company wants their people to do well and enjoy their work. And we believe everyone should work hard in order to be happy, right? But could we be thinking about things backwards? Check out this fast-paced and very funny talk, where psychologist Shawn Achor argues that, actually, happiness inspires us to be more productive….