March 16, 2017

Don’t Rely on the “Luck of the Irish” for Your Marketing Strategy: The Top 3 Marketing Mistakes that Could Be Costing You

The term “Luck of the Irish” is not Irish in origin, according to Edward T. O’Donnell, an Associate Professor of History at Holy Cross College and author of “1001 Things Everyone Should Know About Irish American History.”

“During the gold and silver rush years in the second half of the 19th century, a number of the most famous and successful miners were of Irish and Irish American birth…

“Over time this association of the Irish with mining fortunes led to the expression ‘Luck of the Irish.’ Of course, it carried with it a certain tone of derision, as if to say, only by sheer luck, as opposed to brains, could these fools succeed.”

When it comes to attracting new customers and growing your business, you can’t just rely on the Luck of the Irish…

Here are the Top 3 Marketing Mistakes and how to avoid them:

Marketing Mistake #1: Not Having a Strategy

You know you need to do something to compete in your market, but you just don’t know exactly what to do…

Many business owners are so afraid of their business failing that they never take action to get any NEW business. But if YOU don’t take action now, you may not even be in business in a few years.

You can’t randomly pass out flyers or pay for search results … you need to use and follow a proven strategy that attracts your target customers.

We show you how to market your business to the right people at the right time … and build a personal relationship with those customers for life.

Marketing Mistake #2: Not Documenting Stories of Happy Customers


If you offer a high-quality service, your customers appreciate it, and you need to write-down their story. This is called a “testimonial” and it’s one of the strongest forms of proving the credibility of your business.

During my extensive research, I have been really captivated by the number of businesses with life-changing stories … but it’s shocking to see how many companies have these amazing marketing tools tucked away in their testimonials folder, and never use them at all.

Real-life testimonials are one of the most important elements of a properly executed marketing plan.

Marketing Mistake #3: Making No Real Attempt to Gather Contact Information

Surprisingly, many websites I research have made no REAL attempt to capture a visitor’s contact information to begin to educate them about the quality of their company.

No, I’m not talking about an attempt to capture their information with a “Hey, leave your email for updates” button…

I mean a well-thought-out attempt to capture their information, allowing a business to educate them on the benefits and quality of their products and services, build a relationship with a future customer, overcome any objections or fears they may have, and get them in the door WITHOUT them even thinking about the competition!

You need to capture your website visitors’ name and email at the very least, so you can send them offers in the future, and start building trust and “brand loyalty.”


How to avoid these marketing mistakes:

DMC has a proven marketing strategy that will bring you more leads and sales, no matter what industry you’re in … If you have any questions, please contact us or go to our virtual calendar and set up a time to talk. 

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